A thing of beauty
In the meantime though we also removed the old door from the square tower at the from of the building - see top left photo. I also wanted to get this refurbed before heading back to Austria. Getting it out was a little tricky as it was locked and we did not have a key. But eventually we succeeded and sent it off to the sand blasters. Well yesterday I collected it from them, I was planning to paint it and re hang it however now I have seen it there is no way that it is being painted. It is
amazing, solid oak, beautifully carved and very old. It has come up almost like new so we will just sand it to a nice smooth finish and then wax & oil it. Also I will remove the metalwork panels and repaint these in black before replacing them. It is going to look so good when it is completed. The quality of the craftsmanship is first rate as is the detailing on it. It has been repaired on the back at some point as you can see from the metal reinforcing but this is not a problem, it is part of the history of this beautiful door.
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