More exterior work done

At the moment we are all working flat out as we have the cherry picker work platform all this week. One of the jobs on the list for it is to repair / replace all the drainpipes that are leaking or blocked. Also we will remove any ivy or small trees that are growing on the chateau walls - yes I did say trees! The ivy has done untold damage
New drain pipe
to the walls, they are built of stone and held together by lime mortar. Th ivy sucks the moisture out of the mortar which then crumbles away, it also works its roots into the walls which creates cracks and holes. The roof and guttering was all replaced about 18 years ago but for some strange reason the downpipes from the gutters do not seem to have been replaced, only repaired or should I say bodged up. They have not been assembled correctly so they leak and instead of being held to the walls by brackets some are wired on! It does seem
No more ivy
however that there is a drainage system that takes any water that does make it down from the pipes into the moat. Longer term I plan to contact all of the rain water drainage system into a large underground tank so that we can use the water for the toilets and washing machines. Today I completed the first drainpipe and it looks really good, especially as it is along side one of the refurbished shutters. Then I cleaned off all of the ivy and moss that was growing on and in the wall of the 15th century tower.  I think ir looks much better now!!


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