Hard work for Eduardo & Klaus

Today Eduardo and Klaus have been taking out one of the biggest ceilings that we are replacing. It has been damaged by water in the past and is beyond repair. We could get at the ceiling from above as there is not a tiled floor in that area of the chateau, just a mud layer above the wattle and daub. The wattle and daub was incredibly thick and very heavy. It was very hard, hot work lifting it and letting it drop to the floor below. Once removed we could see that it was so heavy the 
beams supporting it had been bent like banana's! The room that this ceiling is in will be restored in the Regency style. It was most likely refurbed in the mid 1700's and is partially wood panelled. We will put up a similar decorative ceiling with nice coving and ceiling roses. So the ceiling must be flat and
not banana shaped! Having put our heads together it seems that the best option is to have a suspended ceiling hanging off the banana beams. We can then adjust it to be perfectly horizontal before fitting the plaster board. This will also allow us to hide a large beam that is in a weird position after the 1700's refurb. We will also lay a herring bone wooden floor.


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