Just a few stones in the lawn

Slowly we are starting to get the gardens under control so one of my daily jobs is to keep the lawns mowed. There was one spot where a couple of smallish stones were sticking up through the grass. Today I thought that I would take the pick axe down there and pop them out. Nice plan. Once I started work what appeared to be just
stones turned out to be the remains of either a building or old wall. It took three of us two hours to get them out. Some of these were huge and took two people to lift into the wheel barrow. There are still many more lying beneath the surface but there is no way that I am taking out more than I need to or there will be no lawn left! 

We then had to fill in the big holes before seeding the area with
grass. Hopefully the lawn will recover soon enough. I always knew that when doing anything in the ground we would be likely to come 
across the remains of long lost buildings and this is definitely proving to be the case. I may decide to rent a ground penetrating  radar machine to try and get an idea where we should or should not dig trenches or put in underground tanks.


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