A little tidy up

Just a quick visit this week to see the architect and check that all is ok at Chateau Clerbaud. Took the opportunity to also trim one of the fig trees, get rid of some big thorn bushes and clear around the side of one of the outbuildings. Winter is a good time for getting rid of overgrown areas where there are nasty thorn bushes. They die down at this time of year which makes them much easier to get at. The grounds look good and the wild boar have not been back which is very good news. Always feels good to clear away overgrown parts of the land, not only do they look better but they are then easier to keep clear! Next month I will get rid of the rusty old metal gates and pile of stones. That will really tidy up this area. Those are the stones that we picked up from the field before seeding it in the summer!


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