Too much rain

It seems that all it has done for the last two weeks is rain. Whilst it has been good for the grass which is no looking very green - it has been way too much of a good thing. Not only is the grass very green, it is also now very long!  Problem being that I can not get on it to cut it if it is pissing down. This week I have been able to finally cut all of the 5 hectare field. It was hard going as it was so long and also very wet. Poor old Ruby the tractor was struggling to power the flail mulcher! My other problem is hay fever, so I have made my own protection - a covid mask and a set of clear lens ski goggles under my hoody. Not sure what I look like, some sort of mad Biggles on a tractor maybe. It is however effective. Hopefully we get a few dry days soon and I can whizz over it again and mulch it up even more.


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