Back to clearing the farmyard

Back working in the farmyard today. Trying to bring it all back under control which is going to be a very long job! This area has a wall that we are hoping to be able to repair and rebuild. It had large trees growing up against it when we bought the chateau. Removing these trees badly damaged the end of the wall. 

There is also a pile of about 40 cut stone blocks piled up here. I think these came from a building that was taken down but they have now become overgrown. I want to save these blocks and use them in the renovations. They weigh 30 to 40kg so moving them is not easy. I have to use my sack barrow to get them to the barn where we keep all of the stone blocks. The stones from the wall we are putting onto to membrane in the farmyard. This stops the weeds growing underneath them so saves me time keeping the area under control. 


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