The one area of the chateau that takes the most time to keep on top of is the farmyard. Originally it must have looked great with nice walls, barns and stables for the animals. However as far as I can see from arial photos it fell into neglect in the 1980's. When we bought the chateau it was a right mess, literally a jungle. Very over grown, big fast growing trees that had self seeded and pushed over walls. The stables falling down and their roofs gone. Piles of rubble and old stone everywhere.
During the first 6 weeks after purchase we cleared this area and cut down the trees. Last summer we had a digger in there, ripping out all of the roots from the trees. But still nature fights back and it quickly becomes overgrown again. So this summer I am determined to really get it under control and make it low maintenance. It will take, I guess, up to two weeks to really complete the job. Today we are making a start. The small wall to the right we will take down and level the area and put down new soil to hopefully grow grass over. The little courtyard is bumpy and rough, full of weeds and stones. This will one day be where we will build the swimming pool.
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