Filling in holes
The grass around the chateau looks great - from a distance! Over the years, like everything else here, it has not been looked after. There are many places where the ride on mower crashes into holes or can not go because of big sunken areas. The worst place for this is in the back garden. The down pipes from the gutters feed into underground pipes that take the rain water to the moat. There are quite a few places where work has been done on these pipes or the ground has sunk.
Today I decided to fill them all in. It was incredible just how much earth it took to fill some of them in - literally trailer loads. I am using all of the earth that we have dug out of the inside of the chateau whilst installing the drainage pipes. Just need to seed these areas now. It was also interesting to lift some old stones at the base of one of the towers to find an old waste pipe feeding into the underground pipes leading to the moat. This is good news as we have to bring new water pipes in and out of this tower. The walls are at least a metre thick so nice to know there is already a hole through!
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