A couple of days ago I found a dead falcon lying by one of the outbuildings, no idea how it could have died but I suspected it to be the bird that was nesting in the tower as I no longer saw her flying into the nest. This was confirmed yesterday morning when I arrived at the chateau to find one of the chicks hopping around on the grass at the bottom of the tower. I managed to catch it and put it into a dog cage that I have. I have found a local bird sanctuary that will raise the chick. This morning I planned to take the chick over there but decided to first try and get the other chick from the nest as it will no doubt die if just left in there. But sadly when I arrived this morning it had disappeared. We had a huge storm last night and I can only assume that the chick became very scared and fell from the nest. So I took the one that I had rescued to the sanctuary where they will look after it and then release it back into the wild.
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